Abundance Mindset: Creating Abundance in Your Home Business

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Abundance Mindset: Creating Abundance in Your Home Business

Here is a very simple question. When you think about your business do you have an abundance mindset? Do you believe that you can create abundance in your home business?

Undoubtedly, the one thing most entrepreneurs are least prepared for when they start a home business career, is how to prepare their mindset regarding money! They know they want money, they see other people making money, and they believed that all they have to do is “open for business” and money will flow like water.

Well, here is the thing. Most of us live with a false belief or two about money. Before you go any further in your business, stop today and examine your money mindset. The quicker you can come into agreement with your abundance mindset (like we did) the quicker you will start to earn income in your business.

Abundance Mindset: Creating Abundance in Your Home Business

Myth #1: You need money to make money. This is absolutely false.

When we started our businesses, we each had (still have) 2 small children, was (still are) full time work from home moms without personal secondary incomes.

Scary huh? Odds could have been stacked against us right?

But here’s the thing, we immediately worked on our abundant mindset.

We each started listening to audios every chance we could (T. Harv Eker, Napoleon Hill, and Robert & Kim Kyiosaki are some great reads).  We read books on the great success stories of our generation (some favorites Benjamin Franklin & Henry Ford). We subscribed to numerous wealth magazines (Forbes, Wall Street Journal, and Entrepreneur).

So what were we doing? We were investing in our business. You see we had no business if we couldn’t believe that it was possible and easy to make a great income.

Bottom line, your business is all about your abundance mindset. Do whatever is necessary today to develop your employee mindset into an entrepreneur mindset. Define what limiting beliefs you struggle with and change them into abundant money beliefs.

Myth #2: Everyone Needs What You Are Selling. Also known as the “Spray and Pray” method.

We ask entrepreneurs this all the time, “Ok who are you going to sell to?” and we get 95% of responses, “Whoever wants to buy! My product is perfect for everyone!” Coming into your business with this mindset will cause you to become defeated and exhausted quickly. You see, when you are not defined in who you are selling to, you are really selling to no one.

But don’t worry, we understand this money mindset. You are afraid that if you get too customer specific then you will not make money. That is a FALSE belief! Trust us when we tell you, “If you want to get rich, market to a niche”. Concentrating on your customer means that your marketing is focused, your content is solid, your sales funnel runs smoothly, and your follow up is laser targeted. This is what truly successful (wealthy) business owners understand. They market to a specific niche, and like magic, sales happen, and they end up attracting a wider range of customers than just their niche.

We wrote a great article about audience marketing to take you further here.

Abundance mindset blog

Myth #3: No one will pay premium prices for your products and services.

Possibly the hardest mental mindset to change. When you first get started you will be eager to help anyone and everyone for free. It almost becomes addictive, people start emailing you back, they have questions, they need one on one attention and it is wonderful! People are finally being responsive to you and your products. Now here the bottom line, you MUST start charging for your time and charge it at a premium rate.

“HOLD ON!, no one will pay $100 per hour for my consultation!” We hear what you are saying… and you are only partially right. No one who is still stuck in the poverty mindset will pay $100 for your consultation. No one who wants to stay stuck in the defeat game will pay premium prices. No one who believes that money is hard to come buy will pay premium prices!

And these are the people you do not work with! We want you to shift your mind from lack to an abundance mindset.

You work with the people who do not have money hang-ups. These people see value in your training and products and they are eager to pay your premium prices. You see, there are people in this world who do not want something for free. “Free Advice is Worthless” (Forbes, 2015). Think about the people who easily pay $1,000 for a pair of shoes, or $5,000 for a new suit. They see value in workmanship and want the best. You are the best.

Step into the “abundance mindset” and understand your value isn’t based on you personally, but instead, based on how much your customer learns and takes away from your products and services. Bring your “A Game” and you can charge any amount that is in-line with the quality of your products.

Bonus Myth: You don’t believe you deserve to be rich.Common Myth

Money is out there for everyone. There is more money in this world then some people know what to do with (example: A Hermes purse was recently purchased for $200,000 at auction…). But you do not believe that you deserve any piece of it!?

Believe you deserve to be rich and you’ll change your actions to make it happen.

We used to feel weird about wanting to earn 6 figures a year, until we read an article in Forbes magazine about women business owners who are earning 10 figures a year (1,000,000,000 (billion)).

From that day forward we aggressively changed our mindset to “We will earn that too!” We became laser focused on what we needed to do to achieve greater wealth through success.

With greater resources, you open up your life to being a blessing to people around you. Having financial success itself does not bring happiness, but helping out your brethren with your financial resources does.

With the belief that we also deserve to be abundant, our income soared. The good news here is that you can make a mindset shift at any time you decide to. Your mind is a muscle just like any other muscle in your body.

So we ask you today, are you going to train it and build it to where you claim your space in the wealth world, or are you going to stay stuck in the muddy swamps of lack and defeat?

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Intentional Marketer University (IMU) is a professional home business online marketing institution where home business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketers get help on subjects such as: Online Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Content Creation, and Leads to Sales Conversions.

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Meredith Dale & Anne DiVitto

Intentional Marketer University (IMU) is a professional home business online marketing institution where home business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketers can get the training and support they need to be successful.

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