Personal Branding for Introverts: 3 Tool Guide to Grow Your Personal Brand

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Personal Branding for Introverts: 3 Tool Guide to Grow Your Personal Brand

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In 2015, Forbes magazine released an article detailing how introverts are better at personal branding than extroverts.

The key to introvert’s success at personal branding is simply that they are more introspective, they look at themselves carefully and then succinctly define their strong points. Let’s dive into the personal branding for introvert’s guide where we will cover 3 tools to help you (if you are, or know someone who is) an introvert. There is no reason why you cannot be more successful than your counterparts simply because you are more internally reflective.

As we see in the Forbes article, introverts have the ability to make more money and get more business with small adjustments made to satisfy your personality. We know that you can create a serious brand for yourself and these 3 tools are here to help.

The Importance of a Personal Brand

Think about who you follow online. Who’s weekly emails are filtering through your inbox? Better yet, is there a person in your industry who you really look forward to seeing new content from?

How about your hobbies? The passions of your life? When you grab your phone or tablet for some down time who are you looking for on Facebook or YouTube?

Now, ask yourself this question & get ready to write down the answers:

“Why am I so excited to see and hear from them?”

Chances are good your answer will resonate with the wants and cares of your target audience. It is the same reason why Oprah became so massively successful. It is the same reason why we love to eavesdrop on the lives of celebrities.

The answer is simple; we like the ‘brand’ celebrities have made themselves. They are selling us a product (themselves), an idealistic dream, and we enjoy the feelings we get from watching them.

Successful people take their branding strategies very seriously. They realized that people will trust them as the brand and will want to hear from them, buy their recommendations, and join their causes. We associate feeling good and getting problems solved by watching them.

Even though you may consider yourself more of an introvert, do you understand that you can create the exact same type of following for yourself?

Now think about your current business / industry. It is imperative that you stand out as the brand to follow, above all other competition. You may never change industries or you may change courses a million times. But above all, YOU can take YOUR brand with you wherever the wind may take you.

3 personal Branding Tips-

3 Personal Branding Tips

  1. Be highly aware of the image that you are portraying on your Social Media accounts, on your blog, in your emails, and in your videos.

You do not have to be something that you are not, but you have to be aware of actions that might potentially turn off customers. Having personal opinions is great, sharing the more offensive ones is not!

Always be considering who your ideal customer is. When you become an Intentional Marketer University member, we work extensively on teaching business owners how to avoid focusing on the wrong things that never yield true business growth.

Like building random social media followings without including a capture page to target pre-qualified customers. Or making one-time sales randomly and never seeing the customer again. When you understand who are targeting then you will understand how your personal brand should come across.

Do you want to work with people who are positive and upbeat? Do you want customers that love you and your products (i.e. repeat business)? Then your personal brand will have to reflect this attitude 100% of the time.

Our biggest secret, and it may seem incredibly plain… is to never slow down! We all have the same amount of hours in the day. Start creating personally branded content today and create it every day from now on. This is the only way to get people to know, like, and trust you.

And one more tip for your personal brand. If you are serious about your business, your industry, and your personal brand, then you should have your own blog. Plain and simple.

  1. Engage and interact with those that follow and engage with you.

Perhaps most often overlooked when building your brand, is to interact with the people who leave you comments. We get so focused on reaching our brand to millions, we fail to interact with the 5 people who are actually leaving us comments.

When you start interacting with people who leave comments, take the time to follow back and like their images, re-post, and all of the great interaction tools on social media, your business will explode.

This tool for personal branding is very simple. Keep cultivating your best fans and engagers. Those people who take the time to engage with you on social media want more from you. They want to share you with their friends, but first they need confirmation that you are a real deal.  Even if your audience has never said so, they might be one comment away from asking how to join your opportunity, or where to buy your product.

So make sure that you are consistently nurturing a relationship with followers and fans. It is in your best interest.

  1. Invest in yourself. This is pretty self-explanatory, but we am still amazed at how many small business owners will refuse to invest any time in their education.

Bottom line is this, when you increase the knowledge for yourself, you are increasing the overall WORTH of your personal brand.

For example, do we allow anyone to perform surgery on us or do we demand a highly educated and well skilled surgeon?

Do we value diamonds when they are still stock in the rock as pieces of coal? Only with intense heat, pressure and refinement do they become the amazing gemstones we desire.

Without going through intense processes diamonds are simply muddy pieces of rock, and surgeons are just another person on the street.

So is the same with your personal brand. If you want to make more money you need to continuously learn how to provide more educational value to your audience who will become customers.

Over the years, we have invested in personal training courses that have pushed us and challenged us to become more knowledgeable about the industry.

We cannot teach you how to brand yourself if we never took the time to learn what works the best!

Remember, the best course of action is always going to be Learn, Do, and Teach!

 Did This Help You? What strategies do you use that work well for you? Head over to our Facebook for Business Success Group and join in the conversation!

Intentional Marketer University (IMU) is a professional home business online marketing institution where home business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketers get help on subjects such as: Online Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Content Creation, and Leads to Sales Conversions.

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Meredith Dale & Anne DiVitto

Intentional Marketer University (IMU) is a professional home business online marketing institution where home business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketers can get the training and support they need to be successful.

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