Many of you have just started your business online. It’s tough to make sense of all the noise out there. While many of these tips may be valid, the question remains, how do you know which one you should start with? You have joined countless Facebook “mastermind” groups, listened to podcasts, and heard so many “tips & tricks” on a daily basis that your head is spinning. When searching for answers on how to make money online, one of these
Category: Email Marketing
Posting on Facebook is for suckers. No, really. Even if you have not read about the declining reach you have on Facebook with your posts, you have surely noticed how many LESS users you reach with each post on your business page. A study from Edgerank Checker found that between February 2012 and March 2014, organic reach for the average Facebook Page dropped from 16% to 6.5%. Research from Social@Ogilvy, meanwhile, suggests that for Pages with more than 500,000 Likes, organic
Choosing to send emails to your prospective customers is a great choice for business owners. For every $1 dollar you invest in email marketing, you will see a $38 dollar return. Far surpassing social media, in terms of engagement, email is also the preferred method of business to consumer communication. Thinking about social media, there are 1.3 billion Facebook users, pretty impressive right?! Well, there are over 3.5 billion people with an email account! If you want to
The past few weeks we have been talking about the importance of your list and email marketing. We have stressed that in order for you to have a successful business online you need to have 3 crucial components: your website, your blog, and your LIST. Sure, social media is important. REALLY important. Where could you go to engage with a huge sea of possible customers….to share stories, jokes, antidotes, ENGAGING? Here’s the thing; Think of
Many new business owners feel like with so much technology at our fingertips, email marketing must be what the dinosaurs are still using! Be honest, have you ever thought, who reads their emails anyways? But then find yourself checking emails while you wait, while you’re bored, while you’re looking for a coupon code before a purchase? Of course, you do! We all do, and that is why email is such an important tool for you to be using
Did you know that email marketing THE backbone of all business marketing? If you are still thinking that your business is too small to need email marketing, then we need to get you to think again. Email allows you to continuously cater to the changing needs of your audience, not to mention email is super personal. Think about it, you only give your email address to businesses that you would consider buying from, right? Right! Prefer