Do you write for a small business and solopreneur audience?

We are looking for guest bloggers. We want to feature some of your work 1-2 times per week.

Interested writers may submit a blog post you have written with a positive, helpful message in the following areas: time management, money management, social media, online marketing techniques, and other business management tips. We also like to share personal entrepreneurial stories and experiences.

How to submit a blog post for re-publication on Intentional Marketer:

Bring a gift for our audience! This can be:

  • Template
  • Worksheet
  • Webinar
  • Resource guide
  • Video series
  • Discount on services

As a guest poster we have high expectations. We will contact you and be sure that we can meet our deadline together. We also want your post to be brand new! Not just recycled content. In addition, our goal is to collaborate with our guest bloggers and trade posts where appropriate!

Please provide your information at the bottom of this page and we will get back to you to work out the details.

Thank you!

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Intentional Marketer helps small business mompreneurs like you attract more customers using proven online and social media strategies.

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