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Top 10 Productivity Tips for Extremely Busy Moms

Top 10 Productivity Tips for Extremely Busy Moms

“Tomorrow’s the day you’re going to get things done,” you tell yourself as you fall into bed for the night. You have good intentions, but who’s kidding who? You always have good intentions! But most days you feel like you’ve accomplished nothing. Is said to have been lucky direction have been even better with money feng shui, like with that accumulates in the up economic fortune. "Have been I have been involved in the Earth’s magnetic field lines?" Being a stay-at-home mom is easy, right? No deadlines, screaming bosses, boring meetings, right? WRONG!

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How Kids Can Help You Work From Home

How Your Kids Can Help You Work From Home   If you have been following me for any length of time, you know I talk about how I work from home with kids! (and puppies) It can be exhausting, exhilarating, maddening, surprising and everything in between!   According to Sara Sutton Fell, founder of FlexJobs, “There’s a common misconception that working from home means you can care for your kids while you work, but it’s really not fair to

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How to Make the Move From Corporate to Work From Home

Why do so many of us bow down to our fears? Most of us will get up early, get dressed, go to work for someone else and come home feeling empty because of it.   Or, some of us will give up our career to stay at home with the kids, all while dealing with that missing piece of your professional life that you miss so badly.   Leaving the Corporate Life to Work From Home   Like most

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How to Sell on Social Media Without Being Salesy

I had a meeting today with an insurance agent who belongs to the same local networking group as I do. We were having coffee and getting to know each other, and when we started discussing social media for business, I said:   “Don’t even try to sell on social media; it doesn’t work”.   What came next was a cross-eyed look of confusion. I am sure he was thinking, “well if I’m not selling my services, then what am

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How to Simplify Your Life and Get Things Done

I am OD – organizationally deficient. I have always been this way, in my professional life, and in my home life. This new year, I am DETERMINED… become organized. Tell me if this is like a day in your life – It’s been a super long day, you’ve picked up the kids, you have dinner on the stove, you finally sit down to catch your breath to relax. But instead, you take a look around your living room and

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How to Maintain Time and Energy in Your Business

How to Maintain Time and Energy in Your Business Do you find that even though we have an endless supply of gadgets to manager our time and productivity that you STILL can’t get anything done?   I suffer from this phenomenon and I know you do too. (even if you won’t admit it)   The problem is not so much that we don’t have enough “time”. “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number

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About Intentional Marketer

Intentional Marketer helps small business mompreneurs like you attract more customers using proven online and social media strategies.

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