Secret To Sales – The Direct Sales Millionaire Secret


Secret To Sales – The Direct Sales Millionaire Secret

Secret # 1

The top secret weapon, The Direct Sales Millionaire Secret, will increase publicity, which increase sales, bookings and business opportunity leads.

The truth is that everyone is trying to sell like crazy on social media. Bottom line? It is next to impossible to make profits on Facebook, Instagram or any other social media site.

There’s a missing link, the “Direct Sales Millionaire Secret” that needs to be included in your business plan.

The TOP SECRET weapon? Your own personal Blog/website that gives you the ability to collect leads everyday on auto pilot.

I have added 3,000 people to my email list in under 5 months using my blog/website.

This is impossible to do when you are only talking to people on social media and sending them back to your company website. There is no space on either of those pages to capture the email!

You must have a way to get their name and get their attention before you send them to your company website to buy.

When you write an articles on your blog talking about how your products can solve their problems, then more people want to actually GO to your company page to buy!

If you are ready to dominate in your company, and be that million dollar earner, you cannot skip the most important secret # 1 which is having your own secret weapon working for you on the internet 24 / 7.

CLICK HERE to activate your Direct Sales money making website / blog today.


Secret To Sales – The Direct Sales Millionaire Secret

Secret # 2

Of The Direct Sales Millionaire Secret, do not dwell on people who do not have time for your products or your business opportunity.

There are hundreds of millions of people out there that do WANT your opportunity!

The secret to being the million dollar earner in your company is to always offer help to people first. They are going to be much less likely to turn down your offer when it is helping them.

Always lead with a helping hand. “Is there anything I can do to help you?” can do wonders.

If the answer is “NO!” then don’t sweat it. You never pushed anything on them and they still were not interested in your help. All you have to do is simply move on to the upbeat, happy individual who is chomping at the bit to get their hands on your product.


Secret To Sales – The Direct Sales Millionaire Secret

Secret # 3

Secret # 3 of the Direct Sales Millionaire Secret, is my absolute favorite and it is one that I used when I first got started in the business.

The secret is so simple that it is even silly.

All you have to do is find someone in the same field, and do what they do.

If you follow their steps, without too much deviation (of course you do not want to plagiarize their success), then you have a great chance to realize similar successes.


Secret # 4

Keep on Going… Even When you Don’t Have an Ounce of Energy Left.

That’s it; that’s the secret to being a Million Dollar Earner inside your company.

When the going gets tough, and it will, don’t quit. Take a look around you inside your company. 97% of those same exact people will not be here in a year.

They will quit and give up because it got hard. Well guess what? The last one standing wins.

If you are almost ready to give up because you don’t see any results, zero bookings, zero sales, no team members, and nothing you are doing seems to work or it’s not happening as fast as you want it to.

If you have tried everything. Attended the events, paid for leads, asked everyone you know multiple time and everything you’ve tried still isn’t working…

Do Not Quit.

Direct Sales is hyped as being one of the easiest ways to make money. But if it was, everyone would be millionaires and not just the top 3% in your company.

Those who have success work HARD.

They have frustrations and disappointments. But they stick with it. And you will too.

Set your sights on the million dollar mark, stay determined that failure is not in your vocabulary, and always keep moving one foot in front of the other, even when you do not want to.

And you WILL be successful.

What other “The Direct Sales Millionaire Secret” do you have? Leave me your best secret weapon below, I promise I won’t tell anyone!

CLICK HERE to activate your Direct Sales money making website / blog today.


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Meredith Dale & Anne DiVitto

Intentional Marketer University (IMU) is a professional home business online marketing institution where home business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketers can get the training and support they need to be successful.

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