Network Marketing Recruiting Secrets: 4 Methods to Build a Team

MLM Recruiting

Network Marketing Recruiting Secrets: 4 Methods on How to Build a Team

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For most people, Network Marketing Recruiting will simply be too freighting to even try. For those who do choose to try, the ones that are well equipped with proper training will find themselves experiencing success far more often.

Network Marketing Recruiting for your own home-based business, can easily be the one thing you’re most afraid when it is time to present your opportunity to strangers. There are certain methods that savvy Network Marketing business owners can keep in their tool box. In fact, these tools will make recruiting team members one of the least painful processes of building a home based business.

If you have been trying to build your team through Network Marketing recruiting, and you just can’t seem to do it, then this post is for you. You will learn the four main reasons that are preventing you from being the team leader you desire. Then we talk about what you can do to overcome these problems.

If you are one of the people that I mentioned above, who really wants to succeed in Network Marketing Recruiting, but you are simple an introvert, then this past blog post might help you: /3-personal-branding-tips-for-introverts-to-make-more-money/

Why is Network Marketing Recruiting Tough?

So, if you are not an introvert, and you HAVE been actively getting out into the world and focusing on building your Network Marketing Recruiting strategies, and you simply are not seeing measurable results, then let’s look at these issues.

Network MarketingRecruiting Secrets

Poor or Non Existent Follow Up  

Inside of Intentional Marketer University we work with numerous clients in Network Marketing who face this problem. They do great with the initial contact. After that, however, they fall flat with ever doing a follow up. When we go deeper and “why?”, the answer is overwhelmingly “I do not want to harass the prospective team member”.

We understand this. However, there is a big difference between follow up and harassment. If you are talking to a lot of people, it is very possible that they have been talking to a lot of people as well. We want you to think of a follow up as a “check-up”.  If the prospective team member has been talking to other people about a business opportunity, they are looking for someone who truly cares about them and their success. By “checking-up” on them, this shows that you care. Similarly, if they are not interested now, but end up changing their mind down the road, they will remember that you checked-up on them a couple times, and never once harassed them. Become a trusted friend that cares for their welfare and you will see a difference in the amount of people that choose to join your successful team. You can learn more about effective marketing follow up here.


Here is a question. Do you TRULY love your products, your opportunity, and the feeling you get in the morning when you face another day of talking to people? This attitude, whether positive or negative, shows through to your prospects. If you are out there grinding because your sponsor is breathing down your neck, then you are not in love with your opportunity and people will sense it.

Are you just doing this for money? Yep, you guessed it, people will feel that too! Are you fearful that someone might challenge you about the validity of your products? Well no wonder you don’t want to talk to anyone…

Networking Marketing recruiting success is 99% dependent on holding positive attitudes. 1% is action only. While prospecting, your positive attitude is responsible for expressing confidence and closing the prospect on selling a product or service that builds your business team. Prospects easily see the ‘real you’ over your talk or hand shake, they are looking for the real attitude within you (

Your love and determination to help as many lives as possible through your opportunity must be unshakeable. As sure as you would stick up for your family members, you must be just as in love with your company. When this changes, then your whole recruiting game will become a piece of cake. Start joining in to groups where people are positive and supportive, you will feel immediately different. You can join IMU Biz Nation here.

Nervous Chatter

While it is true that Network Marketing recruiting success is a numbers game, you cannot experience success if you are approaching hundreds of people and never really connecting with them. You might be nervously talking to 10 women in your mom’s group, or 10 guys at the gym, but if you are simply approaching them with a nervous energy, then you are failing to connect.

Take this approach next time: Talk to a prospect with the initial goal of being their friend. As you casually move through the conversation you can explain your opportunity in a very natural way. If they decide to get more information, remember that you are their friend first, and simply rely on your company’s information to get them better educated. You have their best interest at heart as their friend first and foremostSo make sure you calm down, be friends, and rely on your powerful company material.


What avoid: “Too Good to Be True”

 When you first dive into the world of Network Marketing, you may have been told some really amazing stories about the “Diamond” “Black” “Presidential” (all companies have their own highest level) leaders in your area making $60,000 a month.

You were probably hooked! Don’t worry, it happens to 99% of people in MLM’s, that is why they are so powerful. However, when you started attending live events at the local hotels, or jumping on the groups and calls, did you notice that only a dozen or so people raised their hands when asked to show who had made money? And this is out of a conference hall packed with hundreds of people?

If you became suspicious, that is great! And if you have not become suspicious yet, keep reading, this will save your business. Instead of feeling mislead, and losing your energy for the company, make a declaration today that you will never again tell amazing stories simply to get team members signed up.

Here is the key: making that type of income is absolutely possible in Network Marketing. But only the top 3% will make it there and we suggest you do not lead your recruiting efforts with it. You will get people signing up yes, but they too will get suspicious later on and fall out. Simply lead with what is possible immediately (maybe a couple hundred in the first 4 weeks), then nurture your teammates to those amazing income levels.

At Intentional Marketer University, we offer dozens of courses that will equip your business toolbox with all the resources you need to not only make your own business successful, but what you can lead and train your own team with. Talk about a confidence booster.

 Are You Serious About Network Marketing Recruiting Success?

If your goal is to consistently bring in more income and more highly qualified team members, then you (no one else) must also be continuously improving your skills and education.

Was this post helpful to you? Feel free to share it on your favorite channel with anyone who could use it in their business as well.

Intentional Marketer University (IMU) is a professional home business online marketing institution where home business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketers get help on subjects such as: Online Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Content Creation, and Leads to Sales Conversions.

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Meredith Dale & Anne DiVitto

Intentional Marketer University (IMU) is a professional home business online marketing institution where home business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketers can get the training and support they need to be successful.

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