Solving the 3 Biggest Challenges in Network Marketing

Solving the 3 Biggest Challenges in Network Marketing

I want to start this article today by re-posting an amazing statement I read recently…

“A STRATEGY BASED ON A LIE IS DOOMED”. (M. Januszewski, 2014).

What does this have to do with your Network Marketing / Home Business challenges? Everything!

Our industry is over-run with lies and deceit these days. It has become common to see fake pictures of Ferrari’s, yacht’s, and designer luxury items, all while being told it is possible on 2 hours of work a month.

False, false, and false.

Research the success stories of your industry leaders (not flash in the pan people who earned a car bonus in the first 3 months). I am talking about the REAL, stable, not-going anywhere leaders (usually the owner of your company, paying your commissions).

You will see these people have worked tirelessly for years.

They fought for their success and so should you!

Let’s jump right in to the Challenges in Network Marketing and how to solve them.

Challenge #1: MLM / Home Based Business’s are Loaded with Hype

Chances are very high that you have been sold these tag lines either when you entered your MLM / Home Business company or by someone looking to sell you something inside their company:

  • You can get thousands of people to your products by simply buying my product.
  • Prospects will be begging to join your network marketing company.
  • You can use Instagram and Facebook to sell all your products! It is SO easy to make a full time income just by showing pictures.

Since I started in this industry I have made it my personal mission to educate home business owners about this type of hysteria.

It is unfair to you the business owner, it is designed to make the promoter money (but not YOU), and it is a guaranteed way to ensure that your business will be a part of the 97% statistic. Not sure what the 97% statistic is? Click HERE.

And here is the hard truth, every day I see ‘gurus’ and ‘ experts’ who are not telling the truth, they are promoting get rich quick dreams to get home business owners to buy whatever they are selling. But the bottom line is that what they are selling is not a one size fits all solution.

The Solution: If you are struggling to turn a profit in your business, then you need to search for custom fit solutions. Invest in the time and energy it takes to work with a person that is not selling you everything, but rather, just teaching you how to sell YOU!

 Challenge # 2: Internet Stranger Dangersolving

It’s becoming harder and harder to know who you can trust on the internet, and truthfully, we hardly trust anyone right?! Well your customer feels no different.

For example, there is more than enough FREE material on the internet (what you are reading right now!) to help you succeed and achieve your goals. But admit it, you’re still wondering if you can truly trust me and my advice right?

That’s ok. It takes over a dozen times for someone to read you, watch your videos, view your social media pages, etc. before they will trust you (even a little bit).

Anyone who is trying to sell you the dream that they are sponsoring 100 new people on Facebook alone is only adding to this Internet challenge. The fact is that the average network marketer sponsors fewer people today than they did 10 years ago.

Why? Because the internet is flooded with struggling entrepreneurs, promoting false solutions and unreal expectations.

The Solution: Challenge yourself to build content that informs and educates people. Ask for sales only when you have established strong relationships.

How will you know when you have a strong relationship? People start seeking you out, they message you and say “Ok. I am ready!”, they email you back in response to your weekly newsletter, and they start interacting like crazy with your social media channels. All of this tells you that you are succeeding in beating the Internet Stranger Danger challenge!

Challenge # 3: Tricky Success Stories and Trashy Hype.

If all the claims from home business owners were true, the statistics should be reversed. 97% success rate and 3% failure rate. But instead it is the opposite, 97% of people fail and 3% succeed.

Bottom line, your business prospects will spend more time choosing a new computer then they will in joining your team.

What this means for you, is that when it actually comes time to work and make their business successful, they will quit, and you are left in a perpetual cycle of recruitment but never solid growth.

This is a guaranteed recipe for your exhaustion and depression!

The Solution: Network Marketing success depends on you being TRUTHFUL and REAL.

Become devoted to your success. Not the success of someone who wants to earn crazy money in crazy short time. They are not serious and you cannot change that. You can only work on you and tell your real story. Take your education seriously, be able to learn and grow. This will make you 100% better equipped to spot the team members that will also take their success seriously.

Figure out what needs to be done, then do it. If you are being bombarded by internet stranger ‘gurus’, tricky and trashy success stories, and you have had enough, then simply turn off the noise.

Start looking for what your gut tells you is real: honest, market tested advice, real timelines, and real facts. The truth is, working towards your success will take time, and it is absolutely achievable. But it has to be based on reality, not trickeries.
If you are tired of paying for false hope… The Elite 3% delivers real solutions.

You can take hope away from this article today, because the truth is that home businesses and Network Marketing are very real options to create the life you want. But they do take skill, and because it takes skill and hard work, 97% will give up. Only 3% will stay focused, hunker down when they going gets tough, and make it happen.

You have found a trustworthy source for real information.

(Note: Need Home Business training? See the Elite 3’s Home Business Mastery Coaching Program by clicking HERE.)


Know someone who needs to cut through the hype? Great! Please share this article on any of your favorite social media sites.

I love to hear your feedback, what is your best solution to cutting through the internet stranger danger?

Intentional Marketer University (IMU) is a professional home business online marketing institution where home business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketers get help on subjects such as: Online Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Content Creation, and Leads to Sales Conversions.

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Meredith Dale & Anne DiVitto

Intentional Marketer University (IMU) is a professional home business online marketing institution where home business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketers can get the training and support they need to be successful.

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