Who is Intentional Marketer University?
Intentional Marketer University (IMU) is a professional home business online marketing institution where home business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketers get help on subjects such as:
Online Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Contention Creation
Lead to Sales Conversions
NOTE: Intentional Marketer University leads with value first and foremost. Therefore, we have made free courses available on each of the subjects above. Click the subject you are interested in, and get immediate free access to all of the IMU content.
So, why is Intentional Marketer University different from the thousands of so called “home business experts” out there? Why trust IMU?
Because here at IMU we really “are you!”
We understand what you deal with on a day to day basis in your business. We have been in your position and we know what works to build your business even greater and bigger than you thought possible!
Secondly, we are dedicated to making all of the information that works, simple and affordable.
At IMU we understand not all home business owners have the deepest pockets when just starting out. You need the right information, at the right price, right now. That’s what why we are here. You see, we really do ‘Practice What We Teach!’
The biggest advantage of Intentional Marketer University? You are invited to be a part of it all and learn directly from the founders IMU and members of Intentional Marketer University.
Bottom line, by joining this impressive institution, you are walking the shortest and quickest route to your home business marketing success. Click here to get it:
We always love to hear from our clients, contacts and friends.
You can reach us by clicking the “Contact the IMU Team” and be sure to grab your Free Facebook Guide just for visiting!